söndag 11 september 2011

It runs in the family

This weekend it was time for the annual family crayfish party. This is a tradition that runs 30 years back in my family and consists of silly games, silly hats, silly songs and a huge amount of crayfish and aquavit. you can read more about it here and see a lot more silly hats of mine here  .
We always start out with the games – dart, air gun and throwing tennis balls at a target. It’s the same games every year but the line-up varies. This year it was the old & young against the middle-aged or to be precise my daughters, grandma and grandpa in one team fighting hard against me, my husband, sister and brother in law. Cheating is not allowed but it is OK ( and expected ) to harass the other team.
The old & young won!

The old & young

Fighting spirit runs in the family too

After the games are finished we put on the silly hats and get started on the crayfish. Eating, singing and having fun all night long.


Beautiful girl but silly hat

When darkness fell I had a perfect opportunity to try out the outdoor chandelier I made this summer. It worked beautifully!

Here it is hanging indoors but is meant to hang outdoors.

The candles flickering in the night. So, so beautiful!

I fell asleep that evening filled with joy and gratitude over my family and thinking that life is good!   

Take care

3 kommentarer:

  1. Kräftor är mums, även om jag aldrig smakat färska. Vad hände med din gamla blogg?

  2. Vilken läcker ljuslykta!
    Hur märkte du att din gamla blogg inte klarade av bloggers uppgraderade gränssnitt?

  3. En ljuskrona för marschaller? Jättebra idé!
