tisdag 28 februari 2012

Tag Tuesday


The theme for this weeks Tag Tuesday was books. I have always read a lot. I was a book worm in my youth and teens and my dad used to drive my sister and me to the library because we used to borrow so many books that we had a hard time carrying them home. In times in my childhood I was quite lonely and bullied at school. The books became an escapism but in a good way. A world where I could be what I wanted and everything was possible.

I still read a lot but nowadays mostly during weekends and vacations. That is due to the fact that ones I get my hands on a really good book I can’t stop reading until it’s finished. Last time I staggered up in the morning to set out for work after just a three hour sleep I decided that this had to stop. I am too old for staying up all night reading…..


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